Subdomain Finder

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Whois data of

1a. Domain Name :
1b. Select One : Update Existing Domain name
2a. Department Name : IS&T City of Cape Town
2b. Postal Address : Civic Center,12 Hertzorg Blvd,Cape Town
2c. Postal Code : 8000
3a. Admin Contact Name : Bosman, Thomas
3b. Title\Position : Manager
3c. Department : IS&T Telecommunication
3d. Email : [email protected]
3e. Postal Address : Civic Center,12 Hertzorg Boulevard,Cape Town
3f. Postal Code : 8000
4a. Tech Contact Name : Administrator, DNS
4b. Title\Position : Technical Role Accountant
4c. Department : Internet Solutions
4d. Email : [email protected]
4e. Postal Address : Private Bag X163,Bryanston,Gauteng
4f. Postal Code : 2021
5a. Primary NS :
5b. Primary NS IP :
5c. 1st Secondary NS :
5d. 1st Secondary NS IP :
6a. Place : Cape Town
6b. Date : 2022/03/24
6c. Name of Applicant : Bosman, Thomas

Data shown above are part of public records that are available to everyone. We are not responsible for any actions taken using this data.

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