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Whois data of


* The UG ccTLD Registry Database *

Domain name:
Status: ACTIVE
Expires On: 2025-01-20
Registered On: 2012-09-02
Renewed On: 2020-01-31

Registrant Contact Information:
Registrant Name: John Ssenkeezi
Registrant Organization: Airtel Uganda
Registrant Country: Uganda
Registrant State / Province:
Registrant City: Kampala
Registrant Address: Airtel Towers, Plot 16A, Clement Hill.
Registrant Postal Code: P. O. Box 6771, Kampala
Registrant Phone: 0752600581
Registrant Email: [email protected]

Administrative Contact Information:
Admin Name: Victor Ndugga
Admin Organization: Airtel Uganda
Admin Country: Uganda
Admin State / Province:
Admin City: Kampala
Admin Address: Airtel Towers, Plot 16A, Clement Hill.
Admin Postal Code: P. O. Box 6771, Kampala
Admin Phone: +256200208080
Admin Email: [email protected]

Technical Contact Information:
Tech Name: Victor Ndugga
Tech Organization: Airtel Uganda
Tech Country: Uganda
Tech State / Province:
Tech City: Kampala
Tech Address: Airtel Towers, Plot 16A, Clement Hill.
Tech Postal Code: P. O. Box 6771, Kampala
Tech Phone: 256200208080
Tech Email: [email protected]

Information Last Updated: 2021-02-04 15:04:20
Data shown above are part of public records that are available to everyone. We are not responsible for any actions taken using this data.

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