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Whois data of

Created: 2003-05-16
Valid Until: 2025-05-16
Updated: 2024-05-13
Domain Status: ok

Domain registrant: EVON-0004-1227
Name: Evona Electronic, spol. s r.o.
Organization: Evona Electronic, spol. s r.o.
Organization ID: 31341357
Phone: +421244256424.225
Email: [email protected]
Street: Stará Vajnorská cesta 17
City: Bratislava
Postal Code: 83104
Country Code: SK
Authorised Registrar: SWAN-0002
Created: 2017-09-01
Updated: 2022-01-18

Registrar: SWAN-0002
Name: SWAN, a. s.
Organization: SWAN, a. s.
Organization ID: 35680202
Phone: +421.950950950
Email: [email protected]
Street: Landererova 12
City: Bratislava
Postal Code: 81109
Country Code: SK
Created: 2017-09-01
Updated: 2024-06-27

Administrative Contact: EVON-0004-1227
Name: Evona Electronic, spol. s r.o.
Organization: Evona Electronic, spol. s r.o.
Organization ID: 31341357
Phone: +421244256424.225
Email: [email protected]
Street: Stará Vajnorská cesta 17
City: Bratislava
Postal Code: 83104
Country Code: SK
Created: 2017-09-01
Updated: 2022-01-18

Technical Contact: EVON-0004-1227
Name: Evona Electronic, spol. s r.o.
Organization: Evona Electronic, spol. s r.o.
Organization ID: 31341357
Phone: +421244256424.225
Email: [email protected]
Street: Stará Vajnorská cesta 17
City: Bratislava
Postal Code: 83104
Country Code: SK
Created: 2017-09-01
Updated: 2022-01-18
Data shown above are part of public records that are available to everyone. We are not responsible for any actions taken using this data.

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