Subdomain Finder

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Whois data of

This is the PF top level domain whois server.
Informations about '' :

Status : active
Created (JJ/MM/AAAA) : 01/12/2003
Last renewed (JJ/MM/AAAA) : 26/11/2023
Expire (JJ/MM/AAAA) : 25/11/2024
Name server 1 :
Name server 2 :
Registrant Compagnie Name : LA PACIFIQUE DES JEUX
Registrant Name : Patrick GASSION
Registrant Address : 20730
Registrant Postal Code : 98713
Registrant City : PAPEETE - RP
Registrant Region / Island : TAHITI
Registrant Country : Polynésie Française
Tech 1 Compagnie Name : LA PACIFIQUE DES JEUX
Tech 1 Name : Patrick GASSION
Tech 1 Address : 20730
Tech 1 Postal Code : 98713
Tech 1 City : PAPEETE - RP
Tech 1 Region / Island : TAHITI
Tech 1 Country : Polynésie Française
Tech 2 Compagnie Name : srs-consulting
Tech 2 Name : antony ESPERN
Tech 2 Address : immeuble Wallissa bureau C1, Faariipiti
Tech 2 Postal Code : 98712
Tech 2 City : PAPEETE
Tech 2 Region / Island : TAHITI
Tech 2 Country : Polynésie Française
Registrar Compagnie Name : ONATI SAS
Registrar Address : BP 440
Registrar Address : Immeuble Ainapare au Pont de l'Est
Registrar Postal Code : 98713
Registrar City : PAPEETE
Registrar Country : Polynésie Française
By law we are allowed to publish the data seen above. We are not responsible for any misuse of this data.
Removing this data can be done for a small fee. If you don't wish to pay for removal, feel free take legal actions.

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